Specialist in Wellbeing in Your Workplace

Show your employees that their wellbeing is your priority

Delivering exceptional value to businesses by increasing productivity, enhancing employee morale, encouraging greater engagement and developing a healthier and more inclusive culture.

How do we help you create and promote an engaging culture?

Wellbeing Strategy Review

A customised Wellbeing Strategy review aligned to business goals and priorities developed in conjunction with the beliefs and opinions of business leaders. It will define what the future of wellbeing in the organisation would look like.

Wellbeing and Resiliency Masterclasses

A suite of Masterclasses designed to promote wellbeing and performance at all levels in the organisation. These are delivered in one or two hour sessions such as Strengthening Resiliency and Mental Health Awareness.

Transformational Coaching

Our Seek, Know, Grow programme enables individuals to reach for and realise their full potential; to experience the positive impact of making significant changes to improve health and quality of life.

Employers report that their wellbeing initiatives lead to better employee morale and engagement and lower sickness absence

CIPD Health & Wellbeing at Work Survey 2018

About me

I’m Wellbeing Expert with 30+ years experience developing wellbeing strategies.

By developing unique, tailor made wellbeing strategies, I can help your organisation create an environment that encourages your people to positively thrive and excel. I am passionate about creating an engaging culture that demonstrates to your people that their wellbeing is your priority.